360 Tours Edmonton


Running your business during COVID-19 may be starting to feel normal now, but adhering to government health guidelines shouldn’t mean you have to sacrifice your business goals. At Creative Coco’Nuts, we know that your number one priority is to increase revenue, but this can feel like an uphill battle during the pandemic.

Our team of professional web designers are here to help you meet your business targets. One way to do this is to ramp up customer engagement through a 360 Virtual Tour!

It’s professional, easy to use, and puts your best foot forward.

What is a Virtual Tour?

Virtual Tours are a collection of still images streamlined into an interactive model. They allow your valued customers to step into your business from the comfort of their own homes.

It’s simple: viewers can click through your halls, enter rooms, and choose to explore any part of your business that catches their fancy – all at their own pace! And no – it really isn’t the same as posting a series of still photos! It’s a more detailed look at your business, presented in the best light and on your terms, of course.

Our Edmonton graphic design experts have created a 3D experience that can realistically replicate your business environment. We understand that visual quality is vital, and have designed our tours accordingly: your customers will feel like they’re actually standing in your building.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much a Virtual Tour can convey!

Virtual Tour Edmonton


Why now? 

COVID-19 has thrown everyone for a loop. During these stressful and confusing times, it is essential to give your customers the option of online service.

This proves that you are committed to their well-being, and helps build a positive relationship with your brand.

Virtual Tours also let your customers explore your offices/businesses/schools around the clock. That means you can spend less time running/holding events, and your customers can have all the time they need to tour your space! Plus, this gives your business a 24-hour shop window – how great does that sound?

As COVID-19 numbers continue to rise, we have to do our part to keep Albertans healthy. That means rethinking some tried and true business strategies, and opting for more of an online presence.

Engaging your audience through 360 Virtual Tours instead of face-to-face events limits exposure, and it also opens you up to a larger audience. There are no limits to how many people can view your Virtual Tour, and no social distancing either!



Can my business benefit from a Virtual Tour? 

Absolutely! What business wouldn’t? Virtual Tours are a fantastic marketing tool. Whether your business is retail, commercial enterprise, real estate – you name it – our quality 360 Virtual Tours can provide you with stellar marketing.

When the average user only accesses a website for an average of 59 seconds (according to the Nielson Norman Group), you need something to make your business pop. Virtual Tours not only hold the attention of potential customers, but they hold their attention for 5 to 10 times longer than websites without Virtual Tours.

And that’s not all…

Half the battle is just getting potential customers to click on your website. Statistics from WAV group have found that websites that include Virtual Tours get 40% more clicks than websites without.



Confidence and Trust 

Even if your office spaces aren’t currently open to the public, a custom Virtual Tour allows consumers to see into the window of your brand and gather more information about your company.

If your company is open, your customers will feel more at ease if they can check out your space before attending in-person.

Uploading a Virtual Tour to your website shows transparency – a value not to be overlooked. Knowing your company, and what your brand stands for builds consumer confidence and loyalty.

A Virtual Tour also might be just what you need to stand out. Adding another level of interaction to your website can draw in potential customers through the sea of other business options.

Beating the competition can be as easy as uploading a Virtual Tour.



How can I get a Virtual Tour of my business?   

It’s simple! Contact us at Creative Coco’Nuts, and our Edmonton and Calgary based marketing and web developers will create a tour just for you, so your business – big or small – can get the traction and attention it deserves.

Check out some of the Virtual Tours we’ve created in our portfolio, and stay safe!

Visit our online portfolio today or contact us.

The expert designers of the Coco’Nuts’ studio are here to help!

Contact us by email at info@creativecoconuts.ca

Talk to you soon!